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John Stuart Mill 6 posts

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John Stuart Mill

Losing Steam

Those in Power may imagine that a docile and compliant public makes Government run more smoothly, but a society of that kind just won’t move forward.

Length: 54 words

John Stuart Mill

Social Intolerance

Even where freedom of speech and conscience are not curtailed by law, there is another kind of censorship that is just as destructive to progress.

Length: 113 words

John Stuart Mill

The Decencies of Debate

Abusive language, straw-man arguments and downright ‘fake news’ should have no place in civilised debate, but censoring them is far worse.

Length: 110 words

John Stuart Mill

Three Aspects of Liberty

John Stuart Mill set out three kinds of liberty essential to a truly free society: freedom of conscience, of tastes, and of association.

Length: 119 words

International Relations

Guardian of Peace

J. S. Mill argues that free trade has done more to put an end to war than any political union or military alliance.

Length: 54 words

Extracts from Literature

Inquire Within

Philosopher and social activist John Stuart Mill discusses the most liberating kind of education.

Length: 54 words