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History of China 5 posts

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Richard Cobden

Bullies to the Weak, Cowards to the Strong

Richard Cobden wanted to know why British policy towards China was so different to our policy towards the USA and European powers.

Length: 116 words

History of China

Banner of Liberty

In 1840, Secretary at War Thomas Macaulay treated the Union Jack like a bully’s visiting card, but backbencher William Gladstone believed it deserved better.

Length: 114 words

History of China

The First Opium War

In 1840, the British Government declared war on the Chinese Empire over their harsh treatment of drug smugglers from Bengal.

Length: 112 words

History of China

‘Tremblingly Obey!’

Following a historic embassy in 1792-93, Chien Lung, the Emperor of China, despatched a haughty letter rebuffing King George III’s offer of trade.

Length: 113 words

History of China

A Very Rapid Promotion

Aeneas Anderson, who accompanied Lord Macartney on Britain’s first embassy to China, shared a tale illustrating the Qianlong Emperor’s notion of fair play.

Length: 117 words