
John Wesley

in The Copy Book

There are five posts in The Copy Book tagged John Wesley. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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As I Came Through Sandgate

... I heard John Wesley sing. A visitor on the quayside on Sunday May 30th, 1742, would have stumbled into a crowd agape and a determined clergyman singing psalms.


Body and Soul

John Wesley urged the medical profession (and his fellow clergy) to remember that drugs are not the answer to every sickness.


Away with Compulsion!

John Wesley called for a world in which no one was forced to go against his conscience or to serve against his will.


Make the Case Your Own

John Wesley wondered how those involved in the slave trade would feel if the tables were ever turned on them.


Wilberforce Contra Mundum

John Wesley wrote to a young William Wilberforce to encourage him in his campaign against the slave trade.