
Adam Smith

in The Copy Book

There are fifteen posts in The Copy Book tagged Adam Smith. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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A Conflict of Interest

Economist Adam Smith warned that when Western commercial interests get involved in policy-making abroad, war and want are sure to follow.


Private Prudence, Public Folly

Adam Smith contrasted the Government’s handling of the national economy with the way most families handled theirs.


A Victim of His Success

Economist Adam Smith so changed the conversation in Britain that most people take his groundbreaking insights for granted.


Disbanding Empire

Adam Smith could not imagine it would ever happen, but he nevertheless recommended that Britain grant independence to her colonies.


An Avoidable Tragedy

Adam Smith argued that the Bengal Famine of 1769 would have been much less of a tragedy under a free trade policy.


Great Mother of Men

The spread of Western civilisation must not be credited to European policy, but to a culture of curiosity, enterprise and defiance.