
Roman Empire (Roman Era)

in The Copy Book

There are eleven posts in The Copy Book tagged Roman Empire (Roman Era). To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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The Boldness of Junius Mauricus

Pliny admired Julius Mauricus because he spoke his mind, and Emperor Nerva because he let him.


The Night Vesuvius Blew

Pliny was only about nine when his uncle left to go and help rescue the terrified townspeople of Pompeii and Herculaneum.


Fiddling While Rome Burns

In 64, Nero watched on with fascination as Rome was consumed by fire — the Emperor’s idea of performance art.


A Light to Lighten the English

Even before he was born, St Dunstan was marked out to lead the English Church and nation to more peaceful times.



A February celebration for which the faithful have brought candles to church since Anglo-Saxon times.


A Test of Loyalty

A Roman general asks his officers to decide where their priorities lie.