
Persecution of Christians

in The Copy Book

There are five posts in The Copy Book tagged Persecution of Christians. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Nero’s Torches

Sensing that the Great Fire of Rome in 64 (though entertaining) was damaging his public image, the Emperor Nero looked around for someone to blame.


St John Port Latin

According to an ancient tradition, the Roman authorities banished St John the Divine to the island of Patmos because they were quite unable to kill him.


Why Rome Persecuted the Christians

If only the primitive Christians had filled in the right forms and said that one man’s god is as good as another’s, they wouldn’t have had to die.


The Martyrdom of St Alban

Alban voluntarily swapped places with a priest, and was executed for being a member of a banned religious sect.


The Martyrdom of St James the Great

James, brother of John the Evangelist, was executed for his faith by a close friend of the Emperor Caligula.