
History of Israel

in The Copy Book

There are eleven posts in The Copy Book tagged History of Israel. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Frank Foley

A mild-mannered clerk in the British Embassy’s passport office in Berlin, just before the outbreak of war in 1939, was not all he seemed to be.


Britain’s Jews

After a thousand years of uneasy cohabitation, Edward I decided that there was no place for Jews in his Kingdom.


The Girl in the Barn

Ten British POWs in German-occupied Poland decide to help a young Jewish woman escape the SS and a death march to the sea.


‘Please Respect our Traditions’

Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens took his wartime protest straight to the top.


The Jerusalem Temple

The story of the once magnificent Temple in Jerusalem, the city God chose for Israel’s capital.


Wilfrid Israel

Wilfrid Israel used his Berlin department store as cover for smuggling thousands of Jewish children to safety in Britain.