
Byzantine History

in The Copy Book

There are five posts in The Copy Book tagged Byzantine History. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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The Synod of Hatfield

The Roman Emperor offered to unite the world’s squabbling churches – but it was the kind of offer you can’t refuse.


The Baptism of Kent

With Christianity faltering in the British Isles, Pope Gregory took the first definite steps towards restoring its vigour.


The First Council of Nicaea

As soon the Roman Emperor Constantine declared religious liberty in his Empire, the Christian Church gave him cause for regret.


St Helen Finds the True Cross

The mother of the Roman Emperor goes to Jerusalem on a quest close to her heart.


How Benedict Biscop brought Byzantium to Britain

The chapel of Bede’s monastery in Sunderland was full of the colours and sounds of the far-off Mediterranean world.