
Christian Customs

in The Copy Book

There are eight posts in The Copy Book tagged Christian Customs. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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How the Pepyses Kept Twelfth Day

In the family of Samuel Pepys, the Feast of the Epiphany was kept with music, cake and quaint traditions.



A February celebration for which the faithful have brought candles to church since Anglo-Saxon times.



A celebration of St Michael, captain of heaven’s angel host, courteous warrior, and healer.


Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday is a peculiarly British celebration of Christian faith, close family and responsible freedom.


Aaron’s Rod

The Victorian practice of hanging sugared nuts on a Christmas tree was bursting with Biblical symbolism.


The Sunday of Palms and Willows

For centuries, northern countries from Russia to England have laid the catkins of the willow tree before Jesus as he enters Jerusalem.