
Tales from the Old Testament

in The Copy Book

There are seventeen posts in The Copy Book tagged Tales from the Old Testament. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Balaam and His Ass

A prophet-for-hire agreed to help Balak, King of Moab, try to do something about the flood of Israelites pouring into his kingdom.


The Battle of Jericho

The Israelites crossed over into the Land of Promise, only to find their progress barred by the well-fortified city of Jericho.


The Sacrifice of Isaac

Abraham invites his son Isaac to accompany him to a nearby mountain to offer sacrifice, and the boy is naturally curious to know what gift his father proposes to offer.


David and Goliath

Goliath, a giant of a man from Philistia, has challenged Israel’s warrior-heroes to meet him in single combat, but only a shepherd boy is brave enough to step up.


Perilous Waters

King Saul’s jealousies drove those who loved him away, but David was a very different kind of leader.


The History of Susannah

A young Jewish woman in ancient Babylon falls victim to a heartless conspiracy.