
Tales from the New Testament

in The Copy Book

There are fifteen posts in The Copy Book tagged Tales from the New Testament. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

The posts are currently listed with the most recent shown first. You can also list them alphabetically, and shuffle them to see posts you may have missed.

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The Parable of the Talents

Three servants are engaged to invest their master’s money in the markets.


The Woman Taken in Adultery

The Pharisees conspire to put Jesus in a seemingly impossible situation, by inviting him to take sides in the bitter politics of Jew and Roman.


The Annunciation to Mary

An angel appeared to Mary in her home in Nazareth, and offered her the chance to be part of nothing less than the reopening of the doors of Paradise.


The Parable of the Prodigal Son

A young man abandons the family farm and goes looking for happiness in the pleasures of the city.


The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen

While the owner is away, the men he has hired to tend his vineyard conspire to seize it for themselves.


The Parable of the Good Samaritan

A Jewish man is left for dead by bandits, but help comes from a most unexpected quarter.