
Miracles of St Cuthbert

in The Copy Book

There are twenty-nine posts in The Copy Book tagged Miracles of St Cuthbert. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Cuthbert and Sheriff John

The Sheriff of Northumberland allows wealth and power to go to his head — and his digestion.


Cuthbert’s Box

Shortly before Easter, an ivory box went missing from the gifts presented at the shrine of St Cuthbert.


Felgeld’s Face

A monk living in the tumbledown hermitage that had once belonged to St Cuthbert reluctantly decided that it needed more than repairs.


‘Your Child Shall Be Healed’

When the plague once again visited Northumbria, Bishop Cuthbert of Lindisfarne left his island retreat and brought comfort and healing to the suffering.


‘Why Am I Still Lying Here?’

Cuthbert, struck down by plague, was vexed to find that his brethren had been praying for him all the previous night.


Cuthbert’s Christmas

One Christmas Eve back in the twelfth century, a monk keeping midnight vigil in Lindisfarne priory watched spellbound as two great doors opened all by themselves.