
Extracts from Literature

in The Copy Book

There are 603 posts in The Copy Book tagged Extracts from Literature. To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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Oct 18 (ns) The Battle of Assandun (1016) 1 post

From the Archive


A Most Successful Holiday

The best holidays are the ones that make us long for home.


The Object of a Liberal Education

Thomas Huxley believed that if schools did not ground their pupils in common sense, life’s examinations would be painful.


As I Came Through Sandgate

... I heard John Wesley sing. A visitor on the quayside on Sunday May 30th, 1742, would have stumbled into a crowd agape and a determined clergyman singing psalms.


Our England is a Garden

There is plenty of work in the garden of England for everyone, whether they have a green thumb or not.


What the Romans Did for Us

The Romans did bring some blessings to Britain, but none so great as the one they did not mean to bring.


Double Standards

Ralph Waldo Emerson wondered why New Yorkers elected to Congress the kind of man they would turn out of their own homes.