
Extracts from Literature

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Liberty and Prosperity

No Dog Exchanges Bones with Another

How do we get the help of millions of people we don’t know? Only by trade.

Extracts from Literature

Mrs Bold’s Thunderclap

There comes a point in some relationships when words just aren’t enough.

Poets and Poetry

Love’s Last Knot

Richard Crashaw offers the hope of eternity for wedded love.

Classical History

Keep away from the Games!

The wise old philosopher had learnt that popular entertainments rot the soul.

Lives of the Saints

How Benedict Biscop brought Byzantium to Britain

The chapel of Bede’s monastery in Sunderland was full of the colours and sounds of the far-off Mediterranean world.

Cat Stories

Heads I Win, Tails You Lose!

(That’s cat-tails, obviously.) And who ever said cats were unpredictable?