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Mediaeval History

The Disappearance of Arthur

In April 1203, a royal prince and heir vanished from Rouen at just the right moment for King John.

Cat Stories

Cat O’Clock

On his travels through China and Tibet, Roman Catholic missionary Évariste Huc came across a novel way of telling the time.

Modern History

Revolution and Reaction

John Buchan draws a distinction between political changes brought by violence and those brought by progress.


The First Council of Nicaea

As soon the Roman Emperor Constantine declared religious liberty in his Empire, the Christian Church gave him cause for regret.

Sport and Sportsmen


Douglas Jardine came up with a plan to deprive the watching public of one of the finest sights in all sport.

Modern History

The War of 1812

In the year that Napoleon’s quest for European Empire faltered at Moscow, President Madison of the USA came to his aid.