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Sport and Sportsmen

Bass, Bat and Bull

John Nyren tells us about one of cricket’s truly great batsmen, John Small.

Lives of the Saints

The Synod of Hatfield

The Roman Emperor offered to unite the world’s squabbling churches – but it was the kind of offer you can’t refuse.

The Hundred Years’ War

The Hundred Years’ War

King John had already lost most of the Crown’s lands in France, but when Aquitaine was threatened Edward III knew he must act fast.

Mediaeval History

Jack Cade’s Revolt

When Jack Cade told Henry VI to make peace with France and tackle corruption at court, the King really should have listened.

Sport and Sportsmen

A Cricketer’s World

Leigh Hunt reflects on the civilising effect of the game of cricket.

Biographical Extracts

Leg Glance

A sportsman and an officer lays a wager that he can make a trigger-happy Irishman go barefoot in public.