

Tales about the cradle of Western civilisation, from Socrates and the first democracies to the fall of the Roman Empire, the Ottoman yoke, and Britain’s part in the fight for independence.

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Pericles and the Fickle Public of Athens

The leader of 5th-century BC Athens lavished public money on the city and its adoring citizens, and wherever he led they followed.


The Battle of Marathon

Remembered as the inspiration of the famous Olympic road race, but much more important than that.


The Last Days of Socrates

Socrates was placed on death row while Athens celebrated a religious festival.


Fr Vitalis and the Familiar Face

Why did a kindly old priest refuse to show his respects to St Nektarios?


Byron and Hercules

Lord Byron could not have hoped for a better omen in his support for the oppressed people of Greece.


The Third Siege of Missolonghi

The cruelty of the Ottoman Turks so shocked Europe that the tide of opinion turned against them.