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History of Australia

The First Fleet

Having brought hundreds of convicts to New South Wales, Arthur Phillip then had to conjure order out of their chaos.

The Second World War

Hearts of Steel

The Maharaja of Jodhpur called on his subjects to do their bit and stop the Nazis.

Lives of the Saints

A Light to Lighten the English

Even before he was born, St Dunstan was marked out to lead the English Church and nation to more peaceful times.

Lives of the Saints


A February celebration for which the faithful have brought candles to church since Anglo-Saxon times.

Lives of the Saints

The Setting of Edith’s Star

Edith left behind her a distraught Archbishop Dunstan, but also a legacy of love for the suffering.

Lives of the Saints

St Edith’s Rebuke

King Canute could not believe that his hard-living predecessor Edgar could father a saint.