

Tales about the cradle of Western civilisation, from Socrates and the first democracies to the fall of the Roman Empire, the Ottoman yoke, and Britain’s part in the fight for independence.

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The United States of the Ionian Islands

The British liberated the Ionian islands from Napoleon, then gave them fifty happy years and the game of cricket.


St Ahmed

A Turkish official was itching to know the secret behind a Russian slave girl’s personal charm.


Demetrius the Diver

A survivor of the infamous massacre of Chios in 1821 goes to Marseilles, but discovers he has not entirely left the Turks behind.


The Spy

In 1910, Constantine Zervakos, a young monk from the Greek island of Paros, found himself charged with espionage.


The Greeks, the Governor and the Potatoes

John Kapodistrias had an instinct for how a long-oppressed people might think.


Xerxes Scourges the Hellespont

The Persian King felt that a lord of his majesty should not have to take any nonsense from an overgrown river.