
Discovery and Invention

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Discovery and Invention

Guns and Chaldrons

In 1770, agriculturist Arthur Young published his diary of a six-month tour of the north of England, which included a visit to the coalfields and ironworks of the Tyne.

Discovery and Invention

A Precious Gift

In 1807, the Government in Canada urged the leaders of the Five Nations to join with them in a medical revolution.

Indian History

The Tea Committee

Sir William Hunter looks back over a Government committee’s plan to introduce tea cultivation to India in 1834.

Discovery and Invention

Paxton’s Palace

The steering committee for the Great Exhibition of 1851 turned down all 245 designs submitted for the iconic venue.

Discovery and Invention

An Exhibition of Fair Play

After Joseph Paxton won the competition to design the venue for the Great Exhibition of 1851, he recalled how his rival had helped him.


The Bluebell Line

The Bluebell line in Sussex was the first failing British Railways line to be taken over by volunteers.