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Tudor Era

Hector’s Cloak

When the Rising of the North went all wrong in 1569, rebel leader Thomas Percy turned to trusted ally Hector of Harlaw for help.


Crowley’s Crew

The blacksmiths of Crowley’s ironworks in Winlaton and Swalwell took it upon themselves to regulate prices in the markets of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Discovery and Invention

Guns and Chaldrons

In 1770, agriculturist Arthur Young published his diary of a six-month tour of the north of England, which included a visit to the coalfields and ironworks of the Tyne.

Discovery and Invention

A Precious Gift

In 1807, the Government in Canada urged the leaders of the Five Nations to join with them in a medical revolution.

Stuart Era

Traveller’s Check

A much-travelled Spanish visitor amazes an English audience with his tales of wonder overseas, until he is brought up short by his servant.

Lives of the Saints

When Godric Sang with Angels

On Easter night, monk Reginald woke from a doze to find the aged hermit Godric singing lustily.