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Classical History

Brought to their Knees

Agricola, tasked with subduing the people of Britain to Roman colonial government, persuaded them to wear servitude as a badge of refinement.

Russian History

Prav’, Britaniya!

Herbert Bury’s duties took him back to St Petersburg after the Russian revolution of 1917, but all he could think of was how it used to be.

History of China

‘Tremblingly Obey!’

Following a historic embassy in 1792-93, Chien Lung, the Emperor of China, despatched a haughty letter rebuffing King George III’s offer of trade.

History of China

A Very Rapid Promotion

Aeneas Anderson, who accompanied Lord Macartney on Britain’s first embassy to China, shared a tale illustrating the Qianlong Emperor’s notion of fair play.

Anglo-Saxon Era

The Conversion of Norway

Kings of Norway educated in England drew on the experience of English clergy to establish Christianity in their own land.

Georgian Era

On Love of Country

Richard Price argued that the true patriot does not scold other countries for being worse than his own; he inspires his own country to be better than it is.