
Extracts from Literature

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Extracts from Literature

Fan Frenzy

Ardent opera buffs descend like locusts on Jenny Lind’s hotel, eager for a memento.

Extracts from Literature

Criminal Justice

A man unjustly condemned to transportation finds that thieves thieve, but sometimes decency shines through too.

Poets and Poetry

Winter Wisdom

William Cowper feels he has learnt more on one short walk than in many hours of study.

Myths and Legends

A Fatal Slip

Prince Agib hears the tale of a boy confined to an underground chamber for forty days, and dismisses it as superstition.

Myths and Legends

Rose and Thorn

William Sleeman passes on an anecdote from one of the Persian classics, to show that truth should not be used for evil ends.

Anglo-Saxon Era

King Alfred’s Lyre

Charles Dickens explains how King Alfred the Great overcame the Great Heathen Army in 878, with the help of a little music.