Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse

A sophisticated City Mouse went to see his Country cousin, and pitied his simple fare.


The Grammar of Jays and Cats

In Jim Baker’s considered opinion, the bluejay had a much better command of language than Mark Twain’s cats did.


The Making of England

In 917, King Edward embarked on a swashbuckling tour of the midlands, and brought their towns under one crown for the first time in five hundred years.


A Glimpse of the Grail

In a lonely castle upon a remote island, Sir Lancelot’s wanderings brought him once more into the presence of the elusive cup of Christ’s blood.


A Right and a Duty

The tighter the US Government’s stranglehold on dissent grew, the harder Daniel Webster fought for freedom of speech.


On Westminster Bridge

On his way to war-torn France, William Wordsworth passed through London and was overwhelmed by the quiet of the early morning.