
Myths and Legends

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Jupiter and the Bee

A bee asks a blessing of the king of the gods, but what she gets from him is not quite what she had in mind.

Aesop of Samos

The Wolf and the Lamb

A Wolf finds a series of reasons for making a meal of a little Lamb, but it turns out he did not really need them.

Aesop of Samos

The Hare Who was Afraid of his Ears

After the Lion cracks down on horns right across his kingdom, a nervous Hare gets to wondering exactly what counts as a horn.

Publius Virgilius Maro

‘Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts’

After spending years besieging the city of Troy, the Greek armies suddenly decamp, leaving behind only an enormous wooden sculpture of a horse.


The Dog in the Manger

A mean-spirited dog denies to others what he has no appetite for himself.

Aesop of Samos

The Country Milkmaid

A pretty young milkmaid plans just a little bit too far ahead.