Copy Book Series

Miracles of St Cuthbert

Posts in the series Miracles of St Cuthbert

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Cuthbert and the Dun Cow

The magnificent cathedral at Durham owes its existence to a missing cow.


Cuthbert and the Expert Witness

A hungry monk thought he had got away with the tastiest of crimes, but St Cuthbert kept his promise to his beloved birds.


Cuthbert and the Iron Grip

A boy goes bird-nesting in Cuthbert’s church, and finds himself all in a heap.


Cuthbert and the Wry Face

A man who seems to have everything loses his good looks to a dreadful disease.


Ranulf’s Tooth

As he sat in his guest room at Durham Abbey, Ranulf de Capella could think of nothing but finding someone to rid him of his painful toothache.


Educating Martin

When Sir Rodbert became Brother Martin, he found the change so difficult that he began to wonder if even the saints were against him.