
Tales from the Bible

Tales from the Bible, including the parables of Jesus and the story of Esther.

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Moses and the Twelve Spies

Spies are sent out to scout the Promised Land, but their report shows that Israel is not yet ready to inherit it.


The Kiss of the Eternal

Moses is allowed to look upon the Promised Land for the first and last time.


Moses and the Burning Bush

A reluctant Moses is sent back to Egypt on a delicate diplomatic mission.


‘I Will See Thy Face Again No More’

Pharaoh dismisses Moses’s embassy for the last time, and Moses prepares the Israelites for a hasty departure.


Moses at the Red Sea

Pharaoh has the Israelites trapped on the shore of the Red Sea, but God has yet another surprise for him.


The Story of Moses

Jochebed hides her baby son from Pharaoh’s soldiers, only for him to be discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter.