
Lives of the Saints

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Cynewulf reflects on the mystery of the appearance of the angel Gabriel to Mary.

Lives of the Saints

The Blessings of Nicholas Mogilevsky

Passengers sharing Bishop Nicholas’s Moscow-bound flight found his blessings faintly silly — but that was when the engines were still running.

Lives of the Saints

St Chad and the Invisible Choir

Chad, the seventh-century Bishop of Mercia, seemed to be making a lot of music for one man.

Lives of the Saints

The Night-time Disciple

Nicodemus did not allow intellectual doubts to get in the way of what he knew in his heart.

Lives of the Saints

St Nicholas and the Empty Granary

The saintly Bishop helped the captain of a merchant ship to cut through the red tape, and save his town from starvation.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Phantom Fire

The Northumbrian saint warned of an enemy who would stop at nothing to silence the good news.