
Greek and Roman Myths

in The Copy Book

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Scylla and Charybdis

After safely negotiating the alluring Sirens, Odysseus and his crew must now decide which of Scylla and Charybdis would do the least damage.


Odysseus and the Sirens

Armed with a length of stout cord and a large ball of wax, Odysseus and his crew prepare to face the music of the Sirens.


Niobe’s Tears

Niobe, daughter of Tantalus, was so proud of her fourteen children that she brazenly claimed the privileges of a goddess.


The Bag of the Three Winds

A weary King Odysseus dozes off on his voyage home to Ithaca, but his crew are wide awake, wondering what is in his bag.


The Six Labours of Theseus

Young Theseus sets out for Athens on foot to claim his kingdom, but the road is infested with giants, bandits and a savage sow.


Pandora’s Box

After being outwitted once too often, Zeus decides to spite Prometheus by ruining the race of men.