
Biographical Extracts

in The Copy Book

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A False Economy

Thomas Telford told the parish council of St Chad’s Church in Shrewsbury that their leaky roof was the last thing they should worry about.


The Crimes of Mr Pitt

William Pitt was a rising star of British politics in 1741, so much so that Horace Walpole MP felt he needed his wings clipped — an operation fraught with peril.


Surrey vs Hampshire

‘Rain stopped play’ but it did not stop the ladies of Surrey and Hampshire from finishing their epic struggle at the Newington ground.


The Grammar of Jays and Cats

In Jim Baker’s considered opinion, the bluejay had a much better command of language than Mark Twain’s cats did.


A Little Savoir Faire

At the Berlin Congress of Powers in 1878, the draft of the Prime Minister’s keynote speech had his anxious aides scuttling about like ants.


Mozart’s Genius

An amateur composer once asked Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart how he thought of his lovely music and — for one performance only — the maestro told him.