Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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The Grievances of the South

Victorian MP Richard Cobden believed British politicians supporting the slave-owning American South had been led a merry dance.


Dixie on Thames

Victorian MP Richard Cobden offered a startling analogy for the American Civil War.


The Reform Acts

Nineteenth-century Britain had busy industrial cities and a prosperous middle class, but no MPs to represent them.


The Battle of Brunanburh

Athelstan confirmed himself as King of the English, and also reawakened a feeling that all Britain should be a united people.


St Chad and the Invisible Choir

Chad, the seventh-century Bishop of Mercia, seemed to be making a lot of music for one man.


Mysore’s Golden Age

The Princely State of Mysore (today in Karnataka) was hailed as an example of good governance to all the world.