
Discovery and Invention

Tales of scientific innovation and merchant enterprise, from steam power and life-saving medicines to new trade partners far away, and new ways to reach them.

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Bird’s Custard

Alfred Bird’s wife could eat neither eggs nor yeast. So being a Victorian, Alfred put his thinking-cap on.


The Fleming Valve

A Victorian children’s book inspired the birth of modern electronics.


The Rewards of ‘Patience’

How appropriate that the comic opera ‘Patience’ should introduce the world to the results of thirty years of labour.


The Character of George Stephenson

A self-made man who never forgot his humble beginnings.


Edmond Halley

Edmond Halley will forever be associated with the comet named after him, but his greatest achievement was getting Sir Isaac Newton to publish ‘Principia Mathematica’.


Fashionable Freedom

Josiah Wedgwood’s promotional gift made Abolitionism fashionable.