
Myths and Legends

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Greek and Roman Myths

Damon and Pythias

A tale of two friends with complete confidence in each other, and loyal to the death.

Greek and Roman Myths

Heracles and the Hydra

The Greek hero thinks he has paid off more of his debt to the gods, but an unpleasant surprise awaits him.

Myths and Legends

The Ugly Duckling

A misfit duckling grew up with rejection as a way of life.

British Myths and Legends


A prince falls for a dazzling dance-partner who teasingly vanishes at midnight.

Myths and Legends

The Princess on the Pea

A fastidious prince felt he deserved a girl of royal refinement, and he certainly found one.

Greek and Roman Myths

Phrixus and the Golden Fleece

Long before Jason came to claim it, the golden fleece had already saved a boy’s life.