
Discovery and Invention

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Discovery and Invention

How the British Invented Cool

Michael Faraday showed that gases could be compressed and evaporated to preserve food and make ice.

Discovery and Invention

The Iron Horse and the Iron Cow

Railways not only brought fresh, healthy food to the urban poor, they improved the conditions of working animals.

Discovery and Invention

The Tanfield Railway

Opened in 1725, the Tanfield Railway is one of the oldest railways still operating anywhere in the world.

Discovery and Invention

Earl Stanhope and the Re-Invention of Printing

Britain never knew she was a nation of voracious readers until printing entered the steam age.

Discovery and Invention

Sir Humphry Davy

A Cornish professor of chemistry with a poetic turn who helped make science a popular fashion.

Discovery and Invention

The Geordie Lamp

The engineer put his own life on the line for the safety of his fellow-workers in the coal industry.