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Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Otters

An inquisitive monk spied on a guest’s night-time walks.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the Miracle of the Wind

The young monk taught some hard-hearted pagans a lesson they’d never forget.

Discovery and Invention

The Character of George Stephenson

A self-made man who never forgot his humble beginnings.

American Revolutionary War

The Boston Tea Party

In the time of King George III, Parliament forgot that its job was not to regulate the people, but to represent them.

Mediaeval History

Black Agnes Dunbar

When Edward III sent the Earl of Salisbury to take her absent husband’s castle, Agnes brushed his attack aside - literally.

Classical History

A Bird in the Hand is Worth...

The Roman Emperor Honorius, so the story goes, had more on his mind than the impending sack of one of Europe’s iconic cities.