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Discovery and Invention

Timothy Hackworth

Timothy Hackworth (1786-1850) turned steam locomotives into a reliable commercial success.

Liberty and Prosperity

There is No Liberty without Self-Control

Anti-Christian governments don’t make us free, they just impose their own, illiberal morality.

Discovery and Invention

The Tea-Cup Revolutionary

Josiah Wedgwood, a village potter whose disability meant he could not use a potter’s wheel, brought about a quiet revolution in English society.

Stuart Era

The Tale of Beggar’s Bridge

The proof of Thomas Ferres’s rags-to-riches tale is quite literally written in stone, but popular lore adds some tantalising and romantic detail.

Discovery and Invention

The Star that Winked

John Goodricke’s observations of Algol won him the Copley Medal while still in his teens, despite his disability.

Classical History

The Speech of King Caratacus

A proud British king, taken to Rome as a trophy of Empire, refused to plead for his life.