
Myths and Legends

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Aesop of Samos

The Bald Lover

A man’s mid-life crisis leaves him a little ... exposed.

British Myths and Legends

Robin Hood and the Debt of Honour

The outlaw showed that strange as it may be, he did have a code of honour.

Aesop of Samos

The Hare and the Tortoise

One had natural talent but no discipline, the other had discipline but no natural talent.

Greek and Roman Myths

Romulus and the Sabine Women

The legend of how Rome was settled gave rise to the March festival of Roman motherhood.

British Myths and Legends

The Knight, the Lady, and the Forest of Sorrow

A little fable of encouragement for all the suffering.


Belling the Cat

A council of mice comes up with a plan to outsmart the Cat, but volunteers are a bit thin on the ground.