
Myths and Legends

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Greek and Roman Myths

The Tragedy of King Oedipus

Oedipus flees home in an attempt to escape a dreadful prophecy, unware that it is following at his heels.

Russian Myths and Legends

The Peasant, the Penny and Marko the Rich

Marko adopts drastic measures to get out of repaying the loan of a penny.

Greek and Roman Myths

Heracles and the Augean Stables

Heracles shows his capacity for thinking outside the box, but spoils it by trying to be just a little bit too clever.

British Myths and Legends

The Legend of Pollard’s Lands

An enterprising knight rids the Bishop of Durham of a troublesome boar, but the price comes as a shock to his lordship.

Greek and Roman Myths

Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar

Snaring a wild boar turns out to be much less dangerous than keeping centaurs away from their wine.

British Myths and Legends

The Legend of King Leir

An early British king discovers what he is really worth to his daughters.