
Discovery and Invention

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Discovery and Invention

Alan Blumlein

Railway enthusiast, music lover, and the man who gave us stereo sound.

Discovery and Invention

The Story of ‘Charlotte Dundas’

The invention of the steamboat was a formidable challenge not just of engineering, but of politics and finance.

Discovery and Invention

The Railway Clearing House

All but forgotten today, the RCH was one of the most important steps forward in British industrial history.

Discovery and Invention

Ireland’s First Railway

The Dublin to Dun Laoghaire line opened in 1834, and proved a remarkable testimony to the speed of technological progress.

Discovery and Invention

Dr Wollaston

William Hyde Wollaston discovered new elements and helped Faraday to greatness, all from the top of a tea-tray.

Discovery and Invention

Mr Faraday

Faraday’s work on electromagnetism made him an architect of modern living, and one of Albert Einstein’s three most revered physicists.