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Lives of the Saints

Taste and See

Wonder spread through a Tyneside monastery after Bishop Cuthbert asked for a drink of water.

Indian History

Mir Kasim

The East India Company installed Mir Kasim as Nawab of Bengal, only to find that he had a mind of his own.

Liberty and Prosperity

The Economic Case for Sovereignty

A nation with its own laws and a strong sense of shared cultural identity makes good economic sense.

Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)

The Sneeze of History

It was the opinion of Leo Tolstoy that even Napoleon was never master of his own destiny.

Liberty and Prosperity

Big Spenders

Adam Smith warns that politicians are the last people who should lecture the public about how to run their affairs.

French Revolution

The Glorious First of June

Admiral Lord Howe battered a French fleet far out in the Atlantic, and helped prevent the spread of bloody revolution.