Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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A Common Duty

From the grateful solitude of his library in the Dordogne, Michel de Montaigne reflects on the companionship of his cat.


A Great Human Effort

The Gallipoli landings in 1915 did not achieve the Admiralty’s goals, but for John Masefield they remained one of the proudest moments of the Great War.


The Gallipoli Landings

By 1915, the Allies were struggling to break through Germany’s Western Front, and so began looking for another line of attack.


St George, Patron Saint of England

George served in the Roman army and lies buried in Israel, yet he makes an ideal patron for England.


The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus

Maximian and his friends refused to take part in a multi-faith day of prayer for unity.


Deborah and Sisera

The Israelites turn to Deborah for help after twenty years under the harsh rule of King Jabin and his stern general Sisera.