
Political Extracts

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Free Trade and Markets

‘Not to Exploit, Sir, but to Help’

Herbert Bury believed that it was the British way to profit with another country, not to profit from it.

Greek History

Wrath Reawakened

During the Orlov Revolt of 1769, Greek islanders get their hands on a copy of Homer’s epic tale of Troy.

Indian History

The Righting of Wrongs

John Bright MP urged a critic of the British Raj to offer India more than fine words.

Indian History

The Quiet Revolutionary

As Viceroy of India, Lord Ripon was rather more popular with the people of India than he was with some of his own civil servants.

Extracts from Literature

A Real Soldier

Major-General Charles Napier, given the task of policing a Chartist rally in Manchester, was alarmed to hear the protestors had brought the big guns - literally.

History of Africa

Africa’s Competitive Edge

Four years before the bloody American civil war, Dr David Livingstone proposed a peaceful way to rid the world of slavery.