
French Revolutionary Wars (1793-1802)

in The Copy Book

There are seven posts in The Copy Book tagged French Revolutionary Wars (1793-1802). To see all our posts, go to the Archive.

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The Battle of the Nile

As Napoleon Bonaparte swept from victory to victory in Europe, he began to think he might add the East to the possessions of the French Republic.


‘Really, I do not see the signal!’

During the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801, Horatio Nelson decided it was time to turn a blind eye.


The Little Dog of Castiglione

Nothing seemed likely to stop Napoleon Bonaparte from conquering Europe, but one little fellow slowed him up a bit.


Costume Drama

When Lord Cochrane went to a fancy dress ball in Valetta, his costume nearly got him killed.


Polly Piper

Young Thomas Cochrane learned early on that for a sailor, making a pet of a parrot could be surprisingly hazardous.


The Glorious First of June

Admiral Lord Howe battered a French fleet far out in the Atlantic, and helped prevent the spread of bloody revolution.