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The Church of St Mary Magdalene in Hart, County Durham (eleventh century).

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The Church of St Mary Magdalene in Hart, County Durham. The building is eleventh century, though the foundation goes back as far as the later seventh.

Some Prayers of Elfric

Elfric (?955-?1010) was Abbot of Eynsham Abbey in Oxfordshire from 1005. He is one of the towering figures of the English Church in Anglo-Saxon times, sometimes even mentioned in the same breath as St Bede. The following prayers are taken from Benjamin Thorpe’s translation of Elfric’s Sermons, originally in Old English.

For Divine Governance

THOU Almighty and thou Everlasting God, direct our deeds in thy benevolence, that we may merit, in the name of thy beloved Son, to abound in good works. Amen.

For Increase in Faith

WE pray thee, Lord, that thou increase in us thy faith, and ever kindle the light of the Holy Ghost in us. Amen.

For Safety

LORD God, Almighty Father, bless us, and shield thy servants subjected to thy majesty, through thine only-begotten Son, by might of the Holy Ghost, that we may constantly rejoice in thy praise, secure from all foes: through the same, our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in unity of the same Holy Ghost, throughout all ages. Amen.

For Wisdom

O THOU Almighty God, thou who through thy coeternal Wisdom didst create man when he was not, and afterwards lost didst mercifully re-establish: grant us that the same Wisdom so stimulate our hearts, that we may love thee with all our mind, and hasten to thee with all our heart. Amen.

For Patience

O THOU Almighty God, thou who didst cause thy beloved Son, our Saviour Christ, to assume humanity, and submit to crucifixion: grant us that we may have the example of his patience, and the participation of his true resurrection. Amen.

For Faith, Hope and Charity

O THOU Almighty God, thou who hast written with thy finger in our hearts the righteousness of thy law: give us increase of thy faith and hope and true love, and make us to love that which thou enjoinest, that we may merit the meed which thou hast promised us. Amen.

In Time of Temptation

O THOU Almighty Ruler, deliver our hearts from the temptation of evil thoughts, that we may deserve to be a worthy dwelling of the Holy Ghost; through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee in unity of the same Holy Ghost, throughout all ages. Amen.

The Prayer of the Publican

O GOD Almighty, have mercy on me a sinner.

A Pledge of Trust

O THOU Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost, thou who ever wast, and now art, and ever wilt be one Almighty God indivisible, in whom I believe and hope: thee I love, and in thee I trust, that I need not be ashamed, and that my foes may not mock me. Amen.