OUR songs confess
thee sovereign Lord,
Redeemer of our rebel race;
Our sorrows plead thy mercy down,
Our tears implore thy boundless grace!
By cross of death thou treadst upon*
The powers of darkness even now;
The banner of thy faithfulness
We bear in chrism on our brow.*
For so ’tis worthy in thine eyes
To put the foe to daily flight,
Lest any ransomed by thy blood*
Should feel the serpent’s deadly bite.*
Thou hadst no need to walk in hell
Among the shades of guilty men:*
But to death’s debtors captive there
Thou gavest all the price of heaven.*
Our just Rewarder shalt thou be
When all things shall be made anew — *
When this world’s night shall pass away,*
And every man receive his due.*
O Christ! we beg thee, ’gainst that Day*
Come heal us from the wounds of sin!
That to the Blessed Trinity,
Shall glory evermore be given.