Clay Lane Blog

How I Met Nastenka

The story-teller recalls his first meeting with Nastenka, and the man who brought them together.

February 4

How I Met Nastenka

The story-teller recalls his first meeting with Nastenka, and the man who brought them together.

‘White Nights’ (1848) is set in St Petersburg during those enchanted June nights when the sun barely dips below the horizon. It was on such a night that the unnamed narrator of Dostoevsky’s tale caught his first glimpse of the woman he came to know as Nastenka, and he was far too highly strung to resist the spell.

Posted February 4


Jigsaws: Join this group of ideas together to make a single sentence, in as many ways as you can. See if you can include any of the words in square brackets.

I saw a girl. She was crying. I didn’t know what to do. [Depth. Loss. Tears.]

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Picture: © Serge Novikoff, Wikimedia Commons. CC BY-SA 3.0.. Source.

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