Deborah and Sisera

When the harsh rule of Jabin King of Hazor and of his general Sisera became too much for the Israelites, they sought Deborah’s counsel. She in turn told Barak to raise an army and assemble at the River Kishon in the Valley of Jezreel, for there God would give Barak victory, and Sisera would die by a woman’s hand.

As the two armies met, the River Kishon rose in angry flood, and swept away Sisera’s chariots. Amid the Israelites’ victory, however, Sisera escaped to the tents of an ally, Heber and his wife Jael. Thinking himself safe, Sisera slept, but Jael crept in and murdered him. Thus was Deborah’s prophecy that Sisera would die by a woman’s hand fulfilled.

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