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Extracts from Christian Literature 24 posts Page 1 of 4

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Bible and Saints

Song of Angels, Joy of the Blest

Cynewulf encourages his listeners to remain committed to the Christian life, by reminding them of the reward that awaits them.

Length: 101 words

Bible and Saints

Heaven’s Harbour

The lives of men are like voyages across stormy seas, but we no longer have to sail them as if they were uncharted waters.

Length: 51 words

Bible and Saints

No Room at the Inn

The Tilers and Thatchers of fourteenth-century York tell how Joseph and Mary fared after they were turned away by the innkeepers of Bethlehem.

Length: 111 words

Bible and Saints

The Nativity

While Joseph is away trying to find light for the darksome stable, Mary brings into the world the Light of everlasting Day.

Length: 116 words

Bible and Saints

The Ox and the Ass

The chill of the night is relieved by the warmth of the beasts in their stalls, prompting Mary and Joseph reflect on the promises of Scripture.

Length: 115 words

Bible and Saints

The Firebird’s Nest

Like the legendary phoenix, the Christian must spend his life making a nest fit for his rebirth in fire.

Length: 116 words