Clay Lane

The Copy Book

A Library of History and Literature in English

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Rhetoric and the Beast

God alone can save civilisation, said Socrates, when clever campaign strategists teach aspiring politicians how to play on the public’s hopes and fears.


David and Goliath

Goliath, a giant of a man from Philistia, has challenged Israel’s warrior-heroes to meet him in single combat, but only a shepherd boy is brave enough to step up.


The Sword in the Stone

Sir Kay has left his sword at home, and his young brother Arthur is determined to find him a worthy blade for the New Year’s Day joust.


The Gift of Life

When columnist ‘Alpha of the Plough’ was asked to select his most memorable moment of the Great War, he told the story of HMS Formidable.


Measured Government

To Napoleon, the way that politicians in Paris had forced metric measurements on the public was a lesson in bad government.


A Match Made in Stockton

The modern match is ignited by friction, a simple idea but one which had not occurred to anyone until 1826, when a Stockton pharmacist dropped a stick.