
Lives of the Saints

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Lives of the Saints

The Beautiful Side of the Picture

Heathen prince Boris I of Bulgaria (r. 852–889) commissioned St Methodius to paint an impressive scene for his palace walls.

Lives of the Saints

St George, Patron Saint of England

George served in the Roman army and lies buried in Israel, yet he makes an ideal patron for England.

Lives of the Saints

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus

Maximian and his friends refused to take part in a multi-faith day of prayer for unity.

Lives of the Saints

The Holy Table of St Sophia

According to legend, when the Venetians tried to kidnap it the Holy Table of St Sophia in Constantinople made a dramatic escape.

Lives of the Saints

Cuthbert and the White Rider

The young Christian from ancient Northumbria was healed of a lame leg in a manner that reminded Bede of the archangel Rafael.

Lives of the Saints

The Trials of Alexander Nevsky

Lucy Cazalet gives an overview of the remarkable Russian ruler, who showed the courage of a prince and the humility of a saint.